دانلود اپرامينى پرشيا سالم
دانلود يوسى ابرى فارسى
شما چه نظرى داريد؟
....................\___/ ....................(o...o) ...---oOO--(^^)---^^. ...................‾‾.........\\ ╔═════════════════╗ ║ PersiaWap.ir ║ ╚═════════════════╝ ------------------oOO ...................|__|__| ..................... || || ................ ooO Ooo
(',') <( )> 70 kg J L (',') <( )> 50 kg J L (,'') <) (> 30 kg JL Look what happened To me while waiting 4 Ur msg..send 1 now plzzz;-(
d[-.-]b .☻♥☻. /█\./█\ .||..||.
(((((( )))))) (((-(@)-(@)-))) ((((( <.-.> ))))) ((((((( ,-, ))))))) (((((( )))))) dont worry.. some times ur mobile acts like a mirror!!!
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,..,, ,,, ('v') <' ) (( )) ( / ) >-"--"-- "-"- Injuri Negam Nakon! az BoOosS Khabari Nist.
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Disneyland 1972 Love the old s