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4. What's Best Mobile OS

What Is The Best Mobile Operation System ???

  1. Android
  2. Apple’s iOS
  3. RIM

    The winner so far is Android,
    and it’s leaving every other
    mobile operating system in the
    dust. Out of the almost 8,700
    voters in the poll, Android
    accounted for 5207 of the votes,
    which is a whopping 60%. While
    it’s not so surprising to see
    Android in the lead, what is
    surprising is that the OS in 2nd
    place, iOS, is nowhere near
    Android’s numbers. Apple’s iOS
    has received 1944 votes, giving it
    22.5% of the pie. It’s almost not
    worthy of noting the other
    operating systems in the poll,
    but we will since it shows just
    how much iOS and Android are
    ruling in mindshare.
    Coming in 3rd place, we’ll find
    RIM with 9.3% of the poll, giving
    Apple’s iOS a 13.3% lead, and
    Android a 50.7% lead over the
    Blackberry. Palm managed to
    grab 3.1% of the poll votes, and
    Microsoft’s Windows Mobile
    nabbing 2.8%. In all fairness,
    Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7
    has yet to really make its debut
    into the market, but when it
    does, we imagine the numbers
    to drastically differ. 2.2% of the
    voters chose the “Other”
    category, and we’ll just leave it
    at that.
    Of course, this is all user
    opinion, and doesn’t reflect
    actual sales or installed user
    base. If this was the case, the
    “Other” category would be
    holding the top spot, since
    Symbian is not an option in the
    poll. Nokia outsells Apple’s
    iPhone 2 to 1, and the company
    currently uses Symbian for all of
    their handsets, so that just goes
    to show how much mindshare
    differs from actual sales.
    Android nabbing 60% is pretty
    impressive, and it comes at a
    good time since we know we’re
    nearing another version of the
    OS sometime in the near future.
    It’ll be interesting to see how
    different this poll would be in
    just a year from now, especially
    with a Verizon iPhone coming in
    the near future.

    Agree or disagree? Leave a Comment Below... :)

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[2011-05-31 23:38] mostafa:

ba tashakor az rezaye azizam be nokteye khubi eshare kardi :d vaqean ham hamintore, htc,sony,... Gushi ba System amel android mizanan vase hamin estefade az android bishtar mishe tarafdarash bishtar.

[2011-05-31 23:34] reza206:

farsi ham benevis :s vali be nazare man android vase in aval shode ke branda va sherkataye mokhtalef az in system amel estefade mikonan dar hali ke iOS faqat makhsuse gushi apple e !

[2011-05-23 11:23] mostafa:

tu in nazar sanji sytem amelhaye java va symbian barresi nashodan. ;)

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[2011-08-20 07:56] www.kidneycure.xtgem.com:

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[2011-08-15 03:43] khushal ahmad:

when you first time find that you are diabetic?
be a cool mind and take it easy. and search nearly of your area and side strongly. that any 1 person is there in your grip. related to the natural treatment. if it's? so congratulate that you will get rid from the diesase very soon. but if not there any confidecial link or person? plz search on google. but who is perfect and cheater? this is your quality.

[2011-08-13 02:00] khushal ahmad:

so it's an old science and i like to said it's an "OLD AYURVEDA"
but present "AYURVEDA" is a very diffrent thing.
but old and real "AYURVEDA" is a real system of knowledge related to the diesase and cure.
i am not a business man or not have here any product about sell. but my target to make them cure and safe from the diesase.
and i wana conferm to you that medical science have no way about cure.
so plz mail me.

[2011-08-13 01:41] khushal ahmad:

how i have strong and real knowledge about diesase and treatment?
do you think so?
yea (my knowledge) i don't got it's to the books or not to the any course or system?
but my father teached and maked me conferm about that.
my father was a big and fame hakeem in india.
i was with him to the child hood. and my responsbility was to the collecting medicines from the jungle.

[2011-08-08 04:15] khushal ahmad:

if you are a diabetic? and diabetes is in rising stage. oh yea it has cure. but if you have chemicals in your daily use and you are suffering to the long times? it has no cure. this is because chemicals are running in your blood strongly.
but you can save your liver. kidney. heart no doubt friends. so you should search there any one related to the old system of diesase and treatment. if you want suggest. aksbaraks@yahoo.com

[2011-08-08 03:59] khushal ahmad:

if you are a diabetic? and having some kinds of chemical related medicine in your daily you.
beware your kidney is going to expire. no any chemicalize way can stop it? becoze this is total un natural system and thinking.
don't put on look your thinking as a nice luking doctors.
90% doctors also suffering from the diesase. then how a doctor can treat of you?
think again.

[2011-08-08 03:47] khushal ahmad:

i belong to the old and real pathy about cure related to the miraculos plants. called ayurveda (OLD SYSTEM ABOUT TREATMENT)
it has always cure. it does.nt matter what kind OF diesase you have?

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